Strike of the Motor Taximen in Mbankolo Yaounde

The Motor cyclists in Mbankolo Yaounde have jointly declared a strike which will run throughout this week inorder to express their anger against the recent activities of the Mayor of Yaounde 2. The Mayor of Tsinga who has been harrasing the motor -cyclist men for a long time ordering them not to park in the Carrefour Mbankolo and same time forcing them to pay heavy amount of Taxes. The fellow hard working transporters realised their conditions were rather miserable and all decided to go out for a joint peaceful strike for the state to view their grievances against the in human acts of the Mayor.
Early this morning, the roads were dry and passengers stranded and forced to trak for longer distances expecially in areas inaccessible by Taxis. For how long this will continue we keep our hands cross.
Achoh Oryne Odilo